Monday, November 7, 2016

3 Interesting Gmail Tricks you are Least Aware of

Gmail is the widely used email service today and is used by almost each of us. But did you know 1 Gmail ID = Unlimited Gmail IDs?
Yes that’s true, and with the following tips that I have for you today you can have 1 Gmail ID but still enjoy the benefits of having unlimited Gmail IDs with you. How? Read on.

Trick #1
Google ignores dots and Upper cases in usernames

This means, all the above (and more permutations and combinations of dots and upper cases) will send out the email to the same user id (here no matter where the dot is.

Trick #2
Google ignores anything after + sign
This means, all the above user IDs will again send the email to the same address as google doesn’t consider anything after the + sign.
You can use this feature to give safeguard your original email address by giving random IDs to others and still receive the email.

Trick #3
Gmail and googlemail can be used interchangeably
This means that you can interchangeably use any of the domain gmail or googlemail with your user ID to keep receiving the emails.

So what’s the big deal here? How might I use these tricks?
Well, google considers these email IDs as one email address whereas rest of the world does not. This implies, you can enjoy all the benefits of the free software or the trial versions by re-registering with as many fake gmail addresses as you like and never get to buy it again.

OMG! Now what to do?
Be a Villain and exploit this functionality or
Be a Hero and educate people/organization around you to patch this functionality, and get appreciated.
I leave the choice on you.
Disclaimer: This post was for educational purpose only.

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